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It all comes out in the wash for Green Solutions

Digger Blogger | 13:43, Thu November 03 2011

Recycling is big business these days, and for Green Solutions these are busy times, Mervyn Rowe tells the Digger Blog about their specialist soil washing plant that they are currently putting to good use in Glasgow, Scotland.

Green Solutions impressive contaminated soil washing plant was built from scratch by Mervyn and his Father, and consists of different pieces of equipment that were sourced from various countries including USA, France, Poland, Holland, Italy, Ireland and the UK.

The plant washes and separate’s contaminated soils to retrieve clean aggregates and sand which can be re-sold to the building and construction industry sectors. This procedure has the added bonus of giving the material a second life, and also vastly reduces the amount of contaminated material that goes to our ever decreasing landfill sites.

The plant itself can process 100 tonnes of contaminated material per hour and is capable of washing out fuels, oils and metals including lead.

What the system does is basically break down the contaminated feed material into individual particle size and then splits these particles into 5 particle band widths consisting of..

0 – 15 microns silt

15 -25 microns fine sand

25 microns to 5 mm coarse sand

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5 mm -20mm stone

20 mm –and above stone

The 20 mm and above material is then run through an impactor crusher to provide 2 further saleable aggregate products.  

The top two products go to landfill as this is where any contaminant is held and all other products are thoroughly clean.  All water used in the cleaning process is continually recycled and reused so while the process does have a large requirement for water, once the system is charged up it only needs a small amount an hour to keep the plant running which is pumped from a lagoon on site.

The onsite lagoon collects harvested rain water from the roof of the company’s large shed and run off from the yard area. All the contaminated material is stored under cover in the aforementioned shed which has the capacity to hold in excess of 12,000 tonnes, with only clean product being stored outside.


The whole operation is powered by 2 generators, of 1,550 kva and 1,200 kva power outputs, and the whole set up requires just 3 people to run it which includes the wheeled loader driver, with a separate crew cleaning up once a week


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